Designed and carved in linoleum, these repeat relief prints were done over 2020 in response to the covid 19 pandemic shut down. Remaining in place, at home, I researched and gathered imagery of plants that are both native and naturalized in Nova Scotia. Each of the plants were chosen for their traditional usage for healing practices, most of which also corresponded to the symptoms that were emerging around the virus. These prints are now the starting place to creating additional repeat patterns that compliment or continue the story of each plant. If you are interested in purchasing a hand pulled image on rice paper contact me and I will be happy to pull one and send it along. Each print is 12" x 12" square.
Please visit my new website Muriel.Prints&Patterns to find these images developed into repeat patterns. You can find three of the patterns available on my Spoonflower shop and all proceeds of these will be going to the Friends of Blue Mountains Birch Cove Lake Wilderness Area. The others you will find at Muriel.Prints&Patterns are currently available for licensing.
copyright 2022 carrie phillips kieser. All rights reserved